November is finally here and with it the deluge of
television specials that are meant to mark the fiftieth anniversary of perhaps
the darkest day in American history: the assassination of President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. While the programming to commemorate the
event this year is predominately aimed toward presenting the official
government conclusion, that a political malcontent named Lee Harvey Oswald
acted alone in killing the president, REELZ Channel has opted to go against the
grain and endorse the idea that President Kennedy died as a result of more than
one shooter and a cover-up was enacted to conceal what really happened on
November 22, 1963. However, this is not simply a rehash of popular and
well-known conspiracy theories that have existed in the collective pop-culture
iconography since the mid-60s. In Reelz Channel’s JFK: The Smoking Gun
(which premiered on November 3, 2013), there aren’t any second gunmen lurking
on the grassy knoll or shadowy CIA agents leading a private war against the
Kennedy Administration. There isn’t even any mention of Mafioso bosses or “back
and to the left” arguments.
In what is no doubt a highly unorthodox move, REELZ has
endorsed a controversial conspiracy theory which has been kicking around for
the past twenty plus years. Based upon the research of ballistics expert Howard
Donahue and the 1992 book Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger, JFK: The
Smoking Gun postulates that, while Oswald was up in the sixth floor window
of the Texas School Book Depository firing his mail ordered Mannlicher Carcano
rifle at the presidential limousine with the intent to murder, a startled
Secret Service agent wielding an assault rifle in the car directly behind
President Kennedy accidentally fired the fatal shot that which took JFK’s life.
The program presents its thesis over a two hour running time in which evidence
is not only provided to back up Donahue’s theory, that President Kennedy died
as a result of “friendly fire,” but to also establish that the Secret Service
(and perhaps other “shady” government agencies) covered-up the medical evidence
to protect their fellow agent and their organization.
In the first hour of JFK: The Smoking Gun, the
audience is introduced to the man responsible for resurrecting the radical
theory that President Kennedy was accidentally shot by his own security detail,
legendary Australian police detective Colin McLaren. As the narrator of the
show tells us, Detective McLaren worked undercover and was responsible for the
capture of several high ranking crime bosses in the mafia. His credentials are
certainly not lacking but even learned men aren’t always correct. The first
section of the program details how McLaren discovered the research of Donahue
and Menninger. Howard Donahue, a noted ballistics and firearms expert, first
became involved in studying the JFK Assassination when he was asked to take
part in a four-part CBS Documentary hosted by Dan Rather entitled “A CBS News
Inquiry: The Warren Report”. Hosted by Dan Rather, the program, which began on
June 25, 1967, investigated the findings of the Warren Commission. Donahue and
a handful of expert marksman were given the task of replicating Oswald’s
uncanny ability to not only fire three shots in 5.6 seconds but to also have
them strike a moving target. The shooting tests were conducted from a wooden
tower elevated 30 feet in the air firing down on a target that ran on a track
traveling at 11 MPH. Out of all the marksman, Donahue was the most successful,
landing all three shots on the target and in 4.8 seconds on his third attempt.
Intrigued by the tests conducted by CBS, he read the Warren Report and began
conducting crude experiments in the basement of his home to either prove or
disprove the official story. Donahue’s near thirty-year odyssey lead him to a
different conclusion than what the Warren Commission had stated occurred on
that day in November 1963. His findings were published by author Bonar
Menninger in 1992.
We see McLaren visit Dealey Plaza and get an impression of
the site of the assassination. One of the most surprising aspects of watching
this scene was that there appeared to be little to no one else around. There
were no conspiracy theorists selling home-made publications at card tables or
tourists rushing out into traffic to get their picture taken on the white X’s
which mark the spots where the bullets found their target(s). In fact, there
wasn’t even any cars sailing down Elm Street. At one point we do appear to see
a train passing in the background over the Triple Underpass and perhaps a lone
person or two simply walking down the sidewalk in front of the North Pergola
monument. It is perhaps an educated guess that Dealey Plaza was roped off in
order to allow the REELZ production company to film this program. McLaren also
tours the sniper’s nest at The Sixth Floor Museum apparently while the museum
was closed to the general public. This would leave me to believe the museum was
in some way, shape, or form connected to the production but to what extent is
uncertain. Not that this would be a sign of some nefarious allegiance, as some
more paranoid conspiracy types may allege, but that the REELZ network may have
pumped some considerable money and influence into getting the documentary
completed with a pedigree of validity.
Like any conspiracy-minded program, JFK: The Smoking Gun
then sets about poking holes in the Warren Report to lay the groundwork to
support its thesis. The narrator intones that the official investigation from
1964 was an investigation of omission and that key witnesses were not called to
testify or were unjustly ignored. This point is “old hat” having been
consistently rehashed since Mark Lane’s Rush to Judgment. We hear
McLaren call Oswald’s Carcano “a piece of junk” since it was a World War II
surplus rifle and that Oswald wouldn’t have been able to fire that accurately
in 5.6 seconds as claimed by the Commission. JFK: The Smoking Gun
decides to use this scenario which was only one of two scenarios that
the Commission offered to solve the riddle of “what shot happened when”. By
focusing on the “5.6 seconds” scenario, this means that the first shot hit both
President Kennedy and Governor Connally (The Single Bullet Theory), the second
shot missed the car completely, and the third was the kill shot that shattered
the president’s head. Today, however, the most widely accepted timeline is 8
seconds to fire three shots not 5.6 seconds. If 8 seconds is the true figure
then it gives Oswald ample time to fire on the motorcade and the “5.6 seconds
or bust” point rendered inert. It’s also interesting that McLaren touts about
the 5.6 second theory as gospel since he remarks later in the program that
Oswald may have only fired two shots (the third possibly had been a spent shell
ejected from the chamber when Oswald pulled the bolt to ready his weapon) and
that the first shot that Oswald fired missed the car. McLaren goes on to
explain that this missed shot struck the street and was witnessed by a several
observers. This shot may have ricocheted off of the pavement and somehow struck
or grazed President Kennedy. In order to support this idea, McLaren brings up
the testimony of Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman who was riding in the front
passenger seat of the limousine during the assassination. When interviewed by
the Warren Commission, Agent Kellerman remarked that he heard President Kennedy
exclaim “My God, I’m hit!” as the car traveled down Elm Street. President
Kennedy would have been most likely been unable to speak if, as the Commission
concluded, the first shot which struck the president entered his back and
exited his throat. What’s interesting about Kellerman’s testimony is that while
Kellerman himself was adamant that he heard the president cry out, no other
witness in the car recalls President Kennedy saying anything. About the mechanics of the shooting, McLaren
does make interesting points on Oswald in the sniper’s nest. While viewing
Oswald’s cardboard box fortress around the window, he remarks on how cramped
the area is. This was a point that my wife brought up upon our visit to the
Sixth Floor Museum in March of this year. Oswald wasn’t a very large man at all
but it does seem difficult to be comfortable in that space even taking his
slender body frame into account. Later McLaren suggests that Oswald would have
been nervous and unable to be as accurate as claimed by the Warren Commission.
Since we are purely in the realm of speculation, perhaps that would lend better
to the theory that the first shot missed the car and then Oswald got his act
together for the next two bulls-eyes.
What is probably most surprising
about a supposed anti-Lone Nut program such as JFK: The Smoking Gun is
that it may be the first conspiracy program in television history to endorse “The
Single Bullet Theory” as fact. I actually expected noted assassination
researcher and Warren Commission supporter Dale Myers to pop-up at some point
in the show to give his seal of approval. Much like the award-winning work
Myers did for Beyond Conspiracy, the producers of this program present
us with a nicely rendered computer-generated model of Dealey Plaza and the
actions of the persons in the presidential limousine and even the follow up
cars as the shooting unfolds. The audience is shown the trajectory from the
sniper’s nest down into the car and how it would have cut (both externally and
internally) through both President Kennedy and Governor Connally, exactly as
Arlen Specter suggested back in 1964. There are several things to note about
this recreation. First, the projectile appears to actually impact President
Kennedy in the spine not the shoulder. Perhaps it is just a perspective issue
from my vantage point (a television vs. an interactive simulation) but this
entry for the “magic bullet” presents a serious problem. At the Bethesda
autopsy the night of November 22nd 1963, the pathologists noted no
damage to the bony structures within the president’s chest and upper body. If the animation is correct, then there would
have been damage to at least the outer sections of the vertebra. This type of
damage was not noted by anyone present at the autopsy (either visually or on
the actual autopsy report) or by the subsequent accredited medical panels that
investigated the assassination. The
animation continues with the computer simulated trajectory exiting the
president’s throat and impacting Texas Governor John Connally near the right
armpit. The program then proceeds to validate the Single Bullet Theory by
exposing conspiracy theorists as not mentioning that Connally was seated in a
jump seat within the car that is not only significantly lower than the
president but also in-board of the car door, thus making the trajectory of the
SBT possible. While this information may be true in a sense, it’s not entirely
accurate. According to the House Select Committee on Assassination (a
congressional investigation into not only the slaying of John F. Kennedy but
also those of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) , the jump seat
in which Governor Connally rode and was shot in is actually 2.5 inches inboard
from the door of the car (HSCA Exhibit II-19). Judging by what the animation
reveals, Governor Connally’s jump seat appears to be at least 6 inches
inboard from the side of the car (if not more), not 2.5 inches as outlined by
the HSCA in 1978. This correct positioning not only makes the trajectory line
through Kennedy and Connally in the CGI model appear doubtful but also draws
into questions when the SBT could have happened. Unfortunately, JFK: The
Smoking Gun doesn’t even name the Zapruder Frames in which the SBT could
have occurred, leaving the possibilities wide open and ultimately inconclusive.
Next, JFK: The Smoking Gun
focuses on the shot which struck President Kennedy in the head and ended his
life. The program shows us a reenactment of Howard Donahue, in the basement of
his home, reviewing one of the Warren Commission’s 26 volumes (presumably the
volume containing the testimony of Commander James Humes, lead pathologist for
the Kennedy autopsy) and marking the wound locations on a model of a human
skull. He later drills a hole at the
back of the skull to represent the entry wound as described by Humes and the
large exit at the top right side of the cranium. The program then presents us with a computer
model showing were the bullet entered and exited the president’s head. What is
interesting is that Donahue’s research and the computer animation apparently
use Humes’s EOP (External Occipital Protuberance) location as the point of
entry for the missile. The audience is even shown the medical drawings done for
the Warren Commission. The Rydberg Drawings, as they are referred to, show
President Kennedy’s head to be in an incorrect position (facing almost
completely downward) and do not align with what is seen in the Zapruder Film. In
fact, Dr. Humes’s EOP location was found to be incorrect when the Ramsey Clark
Panel studied the autopsy photographs and X-Rays of the president in 1968. The
Clark Panel concluded that the actual position of the entry wound at the back
of the skull was 4 inches superior of what Doctors Humes, J. Thorton
Boswell, and Pierre Finck had seen on the night of November 22nd. In
fact, the pathologists were later asked to recant their previous conclusion of
the EOP entry and endorse the Clark Panel’s “cow-lick” entry point when they
were interviewed for the HSCA in the 1970s. The REELZ special doesn’t make any
mention of this revised wound and uses the original WC placement of the head
entry to suggest that the shot which killed the president did not come from an
elevated position such as the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository
but from a lower, flatter plane.
One of the most discussed portions
of JFK: The Smoking Gun is how the program goes about explaining that
the projectile which hit the president in the head was not a full metal
jacketed (FMJ) round but a frangible bullet. First, the special explains that
the bullet could not have been one of Oswald’s 6.5mm Carcano bullets because
Dr. Humes measured the entry wound as being only 6mm in diameter. This is an
interesting point which I had not heard discussed before. They even demonstrate
with the model skull from earlier by attempting to place an unfired 6.5mm FMJ
round through the entry hole at the back of the skull and, naturally, it does
not penetrate. However no explanation is given to how a bullet may react when
discharged and in flight. Detective McLaren explains that Dr. Humes’s
measurement of a large exit (noted as 10 x 17mm in Humes’s notes) and a
metallic debris trail visible on the X-Rays is not consistent with a FMJ round
which is designed to pass straight through a target without fragmentation. The
point of the “magic bullet” being able to pass relatively intact through two
grown men and cause seven wounds is brought up to bolster this theory. However,
McLaren omits that the nose and tail portions of a 6.5mm full metal jacketed
round were later recovered from under the front seat of the presidential
limousine; its midsection missing. It is believed that this is the bullet that
passed through the president’s head and somehow fragmented, losing its lead
core which created the trail seen in the X-Rays. Fragments from this FMJ bullet
gone awry may have also created the crack in the limousine’s windshield as well
as the damage to the car’s chrome topping. In order to show the difference in
FMJ and frangible ammunition, Detective McLaren demonstrates on a rifle range.
Using a Mannlicher Carcano much like Oswald’s and a semi-automatic AR-15 (using
frangible, hollow-point rounds), shots are fired through, of all things,
melons. Unlike 2008’s Discovery Channel special Inside the Target Car,
there aren’t any state-of-the-art prosthetic simulations of human heads,
instead we are given soft fruit to show how these types of ammunition react
when hitting a target. A cantaloupe is not a proper analogue for the bone
structure of the cranium as the melon is most comparable to soft tissue. So
naturally, the FMJ round fires straight through the melon and the frangible
round blows the melon up leaving an enormous hole upon exit. If there is one
thing to note about this test, it’s that when the FMJ round was tested, it left
an exit that looked remarkably similar in size to its entrance.
Using this experiment as a prelude,
JFK: The Smoking Gun then pieces together its central thesis: that
Secret Service Agent George Hickey, in the confusion of the shooting,
accidentally shot President Kennedy with a frangible round from an AR-15
assault rifle. The program establishes the shooting sequence as this: Oswald
fires first but misses the car completely, striking the street and sending a
fragment upward which strikes the president causing him to exclaim as SSA Roy
Kellerman claimed. Oswald cycles the bolt of his rifle and fires again sending
a round through both President Kennedy and Governor Connally. In the confusion,
SSA Hickey, riding in the backseat of the secret service follow-up car, grabs
an AR-15 assault rifle and attempts to stand up with the weapon. Instead he
accidentally discharges the weapon which then impacts into the back of JFK’s
head, ultimately killing him. The motorcade then speeds to Parkland Hospital
were doctors are unable to resuscitate President Kennedy and he is pronounced
dead at 1:00 PM CST. A cover-up then begins to hide this mortal error.
But other than a dubious ballistics
test of FMJ vs. frangible rounds, what evidence does REELZ present to us to
take the hypothesis out of the fringe realm and forge it into a viable
conspiracy theory? Colin McLaren simply tells us that the witnesses do; namely
witnesses that the Warren Commission either outright ignored or that the
Commission’s council didn’t question correctly. I do have to give McLaren
credit for using either the original witness statements taken on the day of the
assassination by law enforcement or testimony presented to the Commission in
1964. This somewhat softens the impact that eyewitness testimony is sometimes
highly unreliable and that over time the ever-malleable human memory gets foggy
or more embellished as the years collect. McLaren relies on the witnesses in
Dealey Plaza to establish The Donahue Theory instead of relying primarily on
hard science and/or physical evidence which is almost shocking in this day and
age of advanced forensics. Horatio Caine, Detective McLaren is not. According
to McLaren, his star witness is Senator Ralph Yarbrough, who was riding two
cars behind the presidential limousine with Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Senator Yarbrough not only claimed to have seen a Secret Service agent stand up
with an assault rifle but to have also to have noticed the distinct scent of
gunpowder at street level. As a matter of fact, Senator Yarbrough claimed
that the odor stayed with the car all the way to Parkland Hospital. The
explanation for this phenomena has been explained away by Warren Commission
Apologists as simply exhaust from the cars at the front of the motorcade. While
this is indeed a possibility, what is also to note is that Senator Yarbrough
wasn’t the only person in Dealey Plaza that day to experience the distinct
smell of gun smoke. The program also mentions witnesses Patrolman Earle V.
Brown and S.M. “Smokey” Holland. What is so intriguing is that both of the
aforementioned witnesses were standing on the Triple Underpass in front
of the Presidential motorcade. In the words of JFK researcher Pat Speer, “It
gets worse.” JFK: The Smoking Gun mentions on that November day the wind
was blowing southeast at approximately 15 MPH and the program gladly trumpets
this to prove that the source of the gunpowder was not the sniper’s nest in the
Texas School Book Depository since that location was not only elevated, but
also downwind. However, they neglect to explain how credible witnesses in front
of JFK’s limousine experienced the same phenomena as Yarbrough. In fact, the
placement of the gunpowder “nose-witnesses” points more toward the fatal shot
have originated in front of President Kennedy, if it was indeed a discharged
fire arm responsible for the odor.
The eyewitness testimony is further
mined in an attempt to establish the fatal shot, which entered President
Kennedy‘s head as having originated from the Secret Service follow-up car.
McLaren presents statements from several witnesses having seen an agent jump up
in the car and that this agent had a rifle. When exactly did this happen? What
is more reliable than eyewitness testimony to resolve this issue and either
prove or disprove the “friendly fire“theory? Well, how about the photographic
evidence? On November 22 1963, over thirty photographers (both professional and
amateur) were in Dealey Plaza before, during, and immediately after the
assassination. One of the most famous images of the Kennedy Assassination is a
photograph taken by Associated Press photographer James “Ike” Altgens. This
photograph, taken in front of the presidential limousine as the shooting
occurred, shows the President through the windshield of the car. He is
clutching at his throat while his wife, Jacqueline, attempts to aid him.
Altgens #5 corresponds to Zapruder frame 255 which is 31 frames (nearly 2
seconds) after the single bullet allegedly passed through both JFK and Governor
Connally. Altgens #5 is also 58 Zapruder frames (little over 3 seconds) before
a bullet will fatally strike the president’s skull. Also visible in the Altgens
photograph is the follow-up car, “The Queen Mary,” carrying the motorcade’s
security detail and trailing closely behind the presidential limousine. Two
Secret Service agents visible on the left running board of the follow-up car
are already reacting to the shooting in progress; looking directly behind the
car toward the Texas School Book Depository. Also visible is an agent in the
backseat of the car looking behind him as well in the general direction of the
sniper‘s nest. This agent is George Hickey. At this point, Hickey is obviously
not standing up in the car and still seated with his attention drawn to where
gunfire may have been coming from. JFK: The Smoking Gun argues that
Hickey’s senses were dulled (as were several other agents responsible for
guarding the motorcade) from spending the previous night out drinking at a
local bar and not checking in to rest until the early hours of Friday morning.
However, as the Altgens photograph shows us, Agent Hickey is aware that something
is happening behind the car and that is not something normal. He appears to
have been alert to the situation unfolding. Also, could Hickey have been able
to spin around, grab the AR-15 hidden out of sight in the backseat, unlatch the
safety, and then by error discharge the weapon all in three seconds? This may
have been a possibility if it weren’t for an 8mm color film taken on the south
side of Elm Street by Charles Bronson which impeaches this scenario. Bronson’s
film, which most notable shows the southeast window of the Texas School Book
Depository approximately six minutes before Oswald began shooting, also
captured part of the assassination sequence. The Bronson film, along with the
Zapruder, Nix, and Muchmore films, captured the moment of the fatal headshot.
The Bronson film is somewhat blurry (Mr. Bronson erroneously used wide-angle
focus) but close study reveals that no Secret Service agent stood up (and
discharged a weapon) in the “Queen Mary” as the president was struck in the
head by a fatal bullet. If the Altgens photograph suggested that the theory of
Donahue, Menninger, and McLaren was at a minor chance plausible, the Bronson
film obliterates it.
According to JFK: The Smoking
Gun, the official cover-up didn’t begin with the Warren Commission. The
cover-up was initiated within minutes of the President’s death and orchestrated
by the Secret Service to protect one of their own and their organization as a
whole. The REELZ program actually appropriates the conspiracy theory, held by
assassination luminaries such as David S. Lifton and Douglas Horne, that the
Secret Service smuggled President Kennedy’s body out of Texas in order to
control (and even fabricate) the medical procedures and evidence. Depicted in a
dramatic recreation in JFK: The Smoking Gun, Secret Service Agent in
Charge Roy Kellerman and members of Kennedy’s security detail argue and
eventually scuffle with Dallas County Coroner Earl Rose at Parkland Hospital
over the possession of the president’s body. SSAC Kellerman wants to get the
body to Washington as soon as possible while Rose argues that Texas law states
the body must remain in Dallas to preserve the chain of evidence and that he
must perform the autopsy. When Rose stands in the way of the casket, Kellerman
flashes a gun under his suit jacket and Rose eventually stands down, allowing
the agents to leave with Kennedy’s body. While the scene works in the context
of the show, its veracity is downplayed. The actual scene at Parkland was more
tense and physical than depicted. The Secret Service literally had a brutal
tug-of-war match with Rose and several police officers over the body. Tempers
flared verbally and physically. A gun was drawn. This scene is presented in
more accurate fashion in the 2013 motion picture Parkland and even
Oliver Stone’s 1991 blockbuster JFK. However, I do have to credit JFK:
The Smoking Gun for having included the scene, which most viewers were
likely unaware of. Whether Kellerman and his fellow agents were merely not sure
what actions to take and expedited the president’s body back to their home base
to regroup or were willingly obstructing a murder investigation remains a
Continuing on with the “Secret
Service Cover-up” idea, we move onto the autopsy performed the night of
November 22 1963, at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland and its myriad
issues. We are shown a reenactment where
the medical room is crowded with hospital personnel, FBI Agents, military
officers, and Secret Service agents pace around the room with focused
intimidation. The autopsy is depicted as being rushed and that the pathologists
were ordered not to question or pursue matters further that might draw light to
a gunman other than Oswald. JFK: The Smoking Gun mentions Dr. Humes’s
discovery of the fine trial of lead fragments throughout the president’s
cranium that, in the opinion of proponents of the “Hickey Theory,” a full metal
jacketed bullet cannot do. This debris trail is also mentioned in a report
written by FBI Agents James Sibert and Francis O’Neill. Later, using the
Assassination Record and Review Board testimony of X-Ray technician Jerrol
Custer from the mid-1990s, the special suggests that the X-Rays were later
retouched to superimpose 6.5mm bullet fragments into President Kennedy’s skull
and conceal the truth that President Kennedy was struck by a .223 caliber
bullet from an assault rifle. Also brought up in the special is the proverbial
question, “what happened to President Kennedy’s brain?” It is suggested that
this evidence disappeared, along with sections and tissue slides, from the
National Archives for a reason. That reason being that it contained evidence
which would lead back to Agent Hickey’s rifle.
What is perhaps most perplexing about JFK: The Smoking Gun’s
doubt of the recorded medical evidence is that earlier in the program it used
this very evidence to establish its own theory and destroy other theories. It’s
almost frustrating that the program calls the Warren Commission an investigation
of omission and then proceeds to either ignore certain details from
photographic, written, and/or eyewitness accounts to bolster its own theory or
to just simply gloss over them in order to achieve its own aims. This
contradictory nature manifests itself prominently in the way the documentary
deals with the autopsy. The post-mortem examination was a botched opportunity
to set the record straight, there is no question of that. But if the testimony
of X-Ray technician Jerrol Custer is correct, that he was specifically asked to
X-Ray 6.5mm bullet fragments taped to bone tissue for possible compositing on
existing x-rays, then the whole medical record should immediately be suspect
and the positioning and presence of not only the fragments in the cranium but
also of the wounds themselves becomes unreliable. And it’s even worse since the
Clark Panel and HSCA shifted both the back and head wounds in their own
investigations to support their findings that Oswald acted alone. That’s two
government investigations that revised hard evidence. Back to the way JFK:
The Smoking Gun handles the evidence, it ignores the autopsy eyewitnesses
(remember Detective McLaren said that the eyewitnesses are what builds a case)
which stated that the non-fatal gunshot wound to President Kennedy was 5 ¾
inches down his back which draws into question the Single Bullet Theory. In
mentioning the Sibert & O’Neill report, the program neglects to state that
it was believed during the course of the autopsy that a single bullet had not
transited through President Kennedy’s back and exited his throat or that there
appeared to be “surgery of the head” upon examination at Bethesda. What’s even
more interesting is that these are not the FBI Agents own observations
but the dictation of what the pathologists, trained medical professionals, were
noting during post-mortem. What does that mean? This can mean a lot of things.
And that‘s just the beginning. The medical evidence, which in most other murder
cases is bedrock, is a vast hall of mirrors in the most investigated death from
the 20th Century. By making the bold statement that the x-rays may
have been altered (or even destroyed) to hide the truth that Oswald’s
Mannlicher Carcano rifle did not cause the catastrophic injury to the president’s
head, then how can this particular documentary base it’s evidence on the
presence of a “snow storm” of lead fragments in the cranial cavity? How can the
program claim that the entry and exit wounds on the president’s head point to
the shot having not originating from the Texas School Book Depository but from
a lower trajectory when the measurements of the wounds are based on Dr. Humes’s
notes from the same autopsy; notes that he purposely destroyed and rewrote?
For all of the apparent derision that I may seem to harbor
toward the documentary, it is only academic. JFK: The Smoking Gun is
entertaining and thought provoking, despite the unlikelihood of its central
thesis. It’s the kind of program that will appeal to both seasoned
assassinologists and novices. The production values were surprisingly efficient
and effective for what at first appeared to be a low-budget cable special.
Technically, I was impressed by their computer animation of the shooting
sequence on Elm Street despite some inconsistencies. The actors and actresses
who were cast to play the roles of the active participants in the program did a
fine job. Of particular note is the actor cast as S.M. Holland who only need a
cowboy hat and suit to complete the look. Ralph Yarbrough’s testimony was
delivered almost in a spooky camp-fire tale kind of way, bringing to mind a
televised interview of Dallas Police Deputy Roger Craig from the early 1970s.
It’s almost refreshing to have a television program willing to step away from
either the “Oswald did it alone” or “Grassy Knoll sniper” mentality that
permeates that JFK research community. Although I disagree with the conclusions
reached by Colin McLaren, I didn’t feel like he is simply trying to sell a book
or that he is a delusional conspiracy theorist with a tin-foil cap. Detective
McLaren is calm and articulate, and through his own journey through the
labyrinth of JFK assassination research has reached his own conclusions. And
there’s nothing wrong with that.
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